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Angler Comments
So, the first proper week has past, and unfortunately, I have very little too report on the catch front.
Tim Paisley had booked the lake as an exclusive with high expectations. Having caught several nice fish in the past, and with the weather improving day on day, I was sure there would have been fish banked at sometime throughout the week.
Steve Briggs, Tom Duncan Dunlop & Darren ( Kung fu master ) whatever also joined Tim for what was effectively the first full week of the 2012 season.
Steve moved into Stink, Tom chose Alamo and Darren opted for my first choice at this time of the year, Oblivion.
Tim arrived the following day, but chose Alcatraz which offered him a huge amount of water too access.
In years past, Oblivion has held, and produced numbers of fish. Although, generally smaller fish ( sub 40 ) it would be my first choice in the draw, followed by either Stink or a favourite of mine, Big Southerly.
Both were fished, and fished very well I have to say. Steve in Stink had numerous fish showing over his area each day but for whatever reason, they would not pick up hookbaits. The same for Darren in Oblivion. Fishing well, light baited, fishing with stringers, all the usual early season tricks failed.
It was frustrating to watch so it must have been even more so for the guys waiting it out. The weather, although cooler at the start of the week, was improving day on day. From light frosts at night to mid doubles in the day, rose through the week too mid singles at night to an incredible early year high of 21 degrees !
The week before the guys had arrived. We had seen large amounts of fish, enjoying raised afternoon water temperatures, basking on the surface. Steve the fish, our new member of staff and I both thought zigs would give the guys an early chance but it wasn’t too be, even fishing zigs through the night, hoping to capitalise on the early morning surface activity failed to produce anything.
Tim had opted, wisely as always, to fish small stack hookbaits Rainbow style in the form of Kebab rigs. Light scattering of baits over the top so not too offer them too much of a meal, perfect early spring – cool water tactics.
I missed a lot of the daytime movements due to working on our new lake across the road, but each day we came over for a brew early in the day we saw fish over Steve in the Stink but the frustration grew, and on seeing plenty of fish in the tree line, he couldn’t resist anymore and made the move.
Tom in Alamo, had an occurrence, probably not a carp but his only action in Alamo, then moved into Co’s Point. Again, the growing numbers of fish arriving into the tree line snags proving more than tempting.
I watched Tim introduce a small amount of bait, from the boat early Wednesday I think. Nothing out of the ordinary but later that day, I witnessed a huge flat spot over his freshly baited area. I presumed Tim had introduced a little more bait, but on further discussion at a Dinner in honour of Tims partner Julie’s birthday, it was evident the spotting was due too fish, not a fresh introduction of bait.
We had a fabulous meal and the red wine flowed. A great night, and one of the best parts of my job by far.
The spotting failed to lead to anything, fish wise unfortunately and as the week came too a close, although the weather continued to improve and the fish remained active, no bites were forth coming.
So, although the first week was a fantastic beginning to the year, I can not report anything fish wise.
The weathers predicted to stay amazingly good for so early in the season and we have Free Spirit on site shooting footage for there forth coming DVD. Hopefully, the weather and rising temperatures will induce a few bites, check in next week for the full report.
Be safe, be lucky.