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Bailiff Comments
Week Commencing: Sat 20/05/2023
Don’t Tell Me What To Do!!!!
Well what a week that was from catching big fish to cheese and wine night it was a buzz and a laugh a minute. The Lads done really well on the zig’s and solid bag’s this week not applying much bait at all. Plenty of fish came out, they ended there week on 43 fish between them and some proper A-Team members amongst them!
First of we have Sam O-Brian fishing in Scotties and what a week he had, he caught from the off and it wasn’t long until he had on of the super stockies “Rob’s Rig” and at a new top weight of 57lb 4oz! Rob’s Rig what stocked into the main lake in October 2017 at 10lb 12oz, that’s a growth of 47lb in six years, who knows what that’s going to turn into! Sam didn’t think the week could get any better but the following day he landed the queen of the pond “Fudge’s” at 75lb 12oz. Sam went on to catch plenty more including “The Teacher” at 47lb 12oz “Leanne” at 40lb 6oz just to name a Couple. Sam ended his week on 14 fish, a very simples weeks fishing, fishing 2 rods only which we think is better than 3 in that swim. Sam was casting his solid bags at 17.5 wraps into the weed bed just of the corner of Co’s with little dumbbell wafters. Also Sam never put any bait in all week!
Moving on to the “BFG” Ricky Mind fishing out of Stock Pond, Poor Ricky started his week of in a bit of bother with both ancles swealing up from mosquito bites and I don’t think being 15ft tall help much either! But he soldered on and ended up having a belting week landing six in total including “Two Time” at a massive weight of 74lb 8oz, he also managed a 49lb mirror on the final morning! Ricky caught Two Time on a 17 ft zig but the rest fell to Solid bags up the treeline.
Harvey Claydon and Paul Hastings decided to have a social in Alamo Harvey managed to land 3 fish in total all falling to 17/18/19 ft zigs. Harvey also managed to land one of the super stockies “ La Boheme “ at 52lb 8oz another mega common. He also landed “wipe out” at 45lb 8oz! Working the zig around the swim got the job done.
Fred Knight well as far as effort goes this guys deserve a medal he started in Treeline Moved to Oblivion and then back to Treeline. The effort defiantly paid off with his first move from treeline to oblivion with only being in the swim a few hours he managed to land “Two Faces” at 39lb 10oz on a 19ft zig. He spent the night in there and the following day he landed the biggest of the super stockies a fish known as “The Dustbin” at a new top weight of 61lb 12oz. Oblivion slowed up and the fish started showing back in Treeline, so he was back on his toes, this effort also payed of because he managed three more fishing solid bags up the treeline nothing massive but still well deserved.
Mike Reynolds come out high in the draw and landed in Alcatraz. Not thinking much was going to happen he still managed a couple early in the week the biggest being Scratches at 51lb 8oz also a new top weight! Mike was fishing 24 wraps towards Big Suv with bags over a couple of kilo of bait.
“Darren Don’t Tell Me What To Do Jones” done my head in all week fishing out of Pole Position. All joking aside the boy done well fishing out of a swim that hasn’t produced to well in recent months. He managed to land 11 fish in total with the biggest being “Donovan” at 43lb 12oz most of fish fell to 17ft Zigs roaming around the swim between 25-33 wraps out but he did manage a few on solid bags at 19 wraps to his right just feeding small amounts of bait each day. he was gunning for a 50 but he just couldn’t get there! UNLUCKY SON!
Jakobe Ward fished in Big Girls managed to land a few the biggest being “Your Old Girls” at 39lb 2oz just 1lb shy of a new P.B. Jakobe was fishing along the far margin where the inlet pipe comes in from stock pond A, the fish in the stock pond spawned through the week and it shown as the fish moved in mass to that pipe. Jakob was fishing solid bags with very little bait around it for his fish.
And Last but no means least we had Neil Taylor in Co’s Point, Neil had a tough week but he still managed to land a couple, the biggest being “Ashes To Ashes” at 38lb 6oz. Neil caught his fish on roaming 17ft zigs.
Until next time
Tight Lines